Frequently Asked Questions
Updated for: Version 1.0
This page will be updated with any frequently asked questions brought to us by the Reinforcements Community.
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Does a Stack remain Revealed if it has less than three cards in it?
When you Reveal a stack, every card in the stack remains face-up and is considered Revealed until the entire stack is destroyed.
When gaining new stacks, if I have four Revealed stacks and Reveal my fifth, Do I still draw the card even though I can no longer gain a new stack?
When you have four Revealed stacks and Reveal your fifth stack, you do not draw a card and you are considered Locked since you no longer have any Hidden stacks to build off of.
Draw Phase
What do you do if Main Deck is running low on cards, or if there are no more cards to draw from the Main Deck?
When running low on cards to draw, shuffle the Discard Pile and place those cards face down underneath the Main Deck.
Does a Deployed card get discarded after it is used?
When Deploying cards from your hand or from a stack, cards are discarded after the ability has been used. Blue Mercenaries are the exception, and are only discarded after they have been destroyed.
Kingdom Action
Can I use my Kingdom Action immediately after Revealing the stack?
When you use your Main Action to Defend a Hidden stack, and Reveal it, you immediately gain that color stack’s Kingdom Action and can use it on the same turn.
How many Kingdom Actions can I use on my turn?
Each Revealed stack counts as one separate Kingdom Action that can be used on your turn. Meaning, if you have one Revealed Green stack and two Revealed Red stacks, on your turn you can use your Main Action, Your Green Kingdom Action “Adapt” and your Red Kingdom Action “Barrage” twice, for a total of four Actions.
Can Adapt and Fortify be used on opponent’s stacks?
Adapt and Fortify can only be used on your stacks or cards in your stacks.
Can I Barrage with cards from an opponent’s stacks?
You can only Barrage with cards from your hand or cards in your Revealed Red stacks.
Can an Assassin’s ability destroy any card in stack even if the stack is Hidden?
The Assassin’s ability “Assassinate” destroys ANY single card that is in an opponent’s stack, even if the stack is hidden. Note: “Assassinate” cannot destroy a card that is shielded by a Blue Mercenary ( See Mercenaries).
When I Deploy a Mage, does it destroy only cards in the top two positions out of three cards in a stack? Is the bottom card not affected if it is deployed against a stack of two cards?
The Mage’s ability “Explosion” destroys ANY two cards that are at the top of a stack, regardless of how many cards that stack has. It can even destroy a single card if the stack only has one card.
How does a Deployed Mage or Assassin interact with a Blue Mercenary that is shielding a card underneath it?
Any card underneath the Blue Mercenary is considered Un-targetable, meaning you must destroy the Blue Mercenary before you can destroy the card underneath. When a Deployed Blue Mercenary is targeted by a Mage’s “Explosion” ability, the Blue Mercenary and the card underneath is destroyed.
Can You Barrage with a Red card that is being shielded by the Blue Mercenary?
Yes, however, when you decide to Barrage with a Red card protected by the Blue Mercenary, The Blue Mercenary is discarded, as it no longer has that card to shield.
Can I use a Totem’s ability on the same turn that I obtain it?
You can use a Totem’s ability at any time during your turn, no action required, even on the same turn you obtain it.
Can I have more than one Totem at a time?
You can have multiple Totems in your possession, as long as you have fulfilled the necessary requirements of obtaining them.
If I Reveal a second stack of a certain color, do I still get that stacks totem if the first stack was used to obtain the Hero of the People?
As long as you still have the first revealed stack used to obtain the Hero of the People, when you reveal your second stack of the same color, you also obtain that color’s Totem.
Can I get a Totem, use it, and then reveal another stack of the same color to get it again?
As long as you have at least one stack of the same color when revealing another stack of that color, you can obtain that Totem if it is available, even after already obtaining it and using it previously.
Am I allowed to obtain more than one Totem on the same turn?
There are only a few scenarios in which it is possible to obtain two Totem’s on the same turn, but as long as the appropriate requirements are met, you absolutely can!